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Thursday November 14th
A to Z Patient Assessment

This class will go beyond the "A is for Airway, B is for breathing" approach and will examine how we prepare for the call both mentally, physically, and in checking and selecting our equipment. It will cover advanced techniques useful to all level of experienced prehospital provider and will focus attention into the need for systematic thinking to complete assessments correctly.


Friday November 15th
Monster's Myth and EMS Buffet

Where do monsters come from? Is it possible that the supernatural isn’t that supernatural and just rare medical cases that our ancestors misdiagnosed? This presentation covers several different disease processes that have been theorized to cause patients to suffer signs and symptoms much like the Halloween myths of Medieval lore. “Monsters” discussed in this program include vampires, werewolves, giants, hunchbacks, mermaids, zombies, and gnomes, as well as those other monsters we create from our own impressions.

Christopher Suprun is a twenty plus year firefighter/flight paramedic.  He writes and teaches on EMS, fire, and emergency management topics and has been published more than fifty articles and textbook sections.  You will find him in publications like EMS Magazine, JEMS, and others.

Suprun is former Chairman of the EMS for Children National Resource Center Advisory Council.  He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Never Forget Foundation.


Beyond fire/EMS, Suprun worked in senior government positions helping create, install, and communicate policy.  He worked for two Governors, a United States Senator, network television, and The White House.

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