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Friday November 15th
Just the Basics: Pharm for the EMT

We review the indications, contraindications, side effects, and little-known trivia about SL Nitro, aspirin, Charcoal, Epi-Pen, Oxygen, Oral Glucose Gel and Albuterol. All medications that are currently approved for BLS administration by the National Registry (and a few that aren’t). Did you know?.. The same activated charcoal used for overdoses is also great for removing odor from cat litter? And it works the same way in your gut!


Friday November 15th
Man vs Wild

Lions, Tigers and Bears...wait...Okay maybe not that type of wildlife but there are several things that are necessary to know in order to treat patients who have decided to “rough it” in the great outdoors. Rather than discuss advanced interventions, we are going back to the basics and using common sense knowledge to treat a variety of environmental emergencies including hypothermia, hyperthermia, diving emergencies, bites and stings, altitude sickness and much more!

Janet Taylor has been a nurse for over 17 years. She began her career working on a medical-surgical unit and floating to various other departments, gaining knowledge and experience along the way. After working for 7 years in the ICU, obstetrics, outpatient and ER,  Janet began working as a flight nurse for Mercy Life Line in 2004 and helping in EMS education as an Instructor for all levels of classes including basic, advanced and critical care.


Janet serves as the site coordinator for International Trauma Life Support at Citizens Memorial Hospital and also serves as support staff as a Pediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor. She completed her Bachelor's Degree in Science and Nursing in May of 2013.

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