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Thursday November 14th
Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid teaches a five-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate professional, peer and self-help care. Participants learn the

unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, build understanding of the importance of early intervention and how to help someone in crisis.

Kristen Strother is the Clinical Director of Traumatic Incident Resource, Inc. and an EMT-B with the Twin Lakes Volunteer Fire Department.  Kristen has her Master’s Degree in Social Work and is the Director of Social Services at Aurora Sinai Medical Center in Milwaukee, WI.  She has provided mental health support and crisis intervention to first responders for 20 years in Southeastern Wisconsin.  Kristen is an approved instructor with The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and the National Council for Behavioral Health.

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