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Friday November 15th

Titles Do Not Make Leaders

Traditionally, promotion to higher levels of administration is a result of time served and knowledge gained during that time. The reality is that it isn’t how much you know that matters, but how much access you have to what others know. In this lecture an analogy will be drawn to chess to get more out of people than they knew they could give.


Friday November 15th
Conquering Clinician Practice

Keeping up to date with the current literature is no small task. You may say it is like drinking from a firehose when you’re thirsty; it can be painful and, at the end, does it really quench our thirst? The constant influx of new published research makes it difficult to stay current with the latest and greatest (information overload). At REBEL EM we have been committed to critical appraisal of current research with application at the bedside to improve patient care. In this talk, I hope to give everyone a step by step guide on how to keep up to date in an efficient manner.

Dr. Salim Rezaie completed his medical school training at Texas A&M Health Science Center, and continued his medical education with a combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine residency at East Carolina University. 


Currently, Salim works as a community emergency physician at Greater San Antonio Emergency Physicians (GSEP), where he is the director of clinical education.


 He is also the creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation of research to bedside clinical practice.

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